
About names, Nutella and me

So, I am babysitting an adorable 3-year old. Not only is she adorable, but very VERY observant. You see, the family is Dutch-speaking, so I am speaking Dutch with her. Yes, " my Dutch ". I do my best to explain things to her, and to play with her, alles in het Nederlands. But, to the point. Last Monday, both of us are sitting at the table to have breakfast, and while I am spreading some Nutella in her toast, she looks at me and says: - Kijk, dat is bijna jou naam in Nutella- she said. - Daar heb je helemaal gelijk in. - I agreed, evidently! I was flabbergasted !!! She recognised the coda sounds behind the beginning of the names Nut ella and Gis el·la to be the same. I cannot be sure if she had seen my name written down, though I doubt that. She is defintely at a syllabic-literacy stage, though not literate yet, BUT FAIRLY CLOSE, isn't she?! To my amazement, her middlename is Gisèle . That would be the French version of my name. Funny enough, when I tried to expl

Back on track

Back on track! After many years away from publicly posting as a teacher, I recently decided to get back on teacher-track. I feel ready and with much more energy to give, with a lot of reniewed mindset to help my students, tutorands, etc, grow. More to come, now just getting ready to be there to walk side by side with those of you who need to go places, and are definetely going places , and believe that I can be of assistance ! Ping me and let me know how you are doing! How can I help!? Com et puc ajudar? ¿Cómo te puedo ayudar?
About CEFR B2C1C2 Si cal tenir el C1 per a ensenyar angles,ok,no problem. Pero exigim en conseqüència En teoriahan obert nivell 6~7 per a anglès. Amb tot... A mi també em.suggereix diversos dubtes~ reflexions 1)promoció de.titols no nacionals,lease oxbridge i michigan 2)over booking als.nivells superiorsm de profes.obligats però desmotivats 3)insuficient oferta de grups per a la.demanda de interins pressionats. 4)el problema és d'arrel! !els.mestres necessiteMM la formació i perfeccionament. Però exigir titols i no possibilitar la formació Excel·lent és un.absurd. 5)quin titol tenen els profes q acreditin el meu títol? ??i,com lhan aconseguit??? Del bon rollo

pensament del dia

Un psicòleg dialoga amb la psyque, enraona amb ella,la cura si cal.qui enraona,dialoga, cura el cor quan està malalt?

Cooperativa TOTAMBART

ELS ALUMNES DE 5èA, que porto aquest any com a tutora han anat a l'Ajuntament i han sortit a TV Badalona explicant el Projecte de la Cooperativa TOTAMBART I'm so proud of them! Congratulations.
Here you have some websites to work on hte Irish Project. Please introduce your comments!  -post comments below! http://www.readbookonline.net/books http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOYGEg_J7wo&feature=related thw waterboys http://funversion.universia.es/musica/reportaje/waterboys_mikescott.jsp http://www.theholidayspot.com/patrick/historyofpatrick.htm UNIT IN CLASS WEBSITES FOR IRELAND http://islandireland.com/index.html http://islandireland.com/Pages/arts/mus.html http://www.pology.com/world/europe.html Videos and information 1. Number 1 -Lonely Planet Ireland - for Tourism http://www.lonelyplanet.com/ireland 2. Accents in the British Isles: English Accents & Dialects of the British Isles Impressions http://lonelyplanet.tv/Clip.aspx?key=FB1759B7108CD2D7 3. Dublin Travel Clip: Lonely Planet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn3_bYcAnWI 4. A Little to the Left :sheeps http://lonelyplanet.tv/Clip.aspx?key=A79015A

Summertime Blues

I wish you a very good summer! Let me upload this song to wish you a very good summer. It was a nice performance by BigMan, who died a few days ago. Enjoy your summer You can find me here this summer!!